Company Values – Employee Safety

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Threats to employee safety in the workplace can resonate from anybody who has access to a company. This includes contractors, members of the public, clients, employees, employees’ friends and families, and also untrustworthy security guards. Employee safety cannot be achieved by simply hiring the cheapest private security company, but it can be achieved by hiring…

Creating Safe Communities with Private Security Services

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Humans have a desire to be safe and secure in their environment.  Safe communities are the ideal locations to maintain family life and to successfully raise children.  These safe communities are more than just houses, condominiums, and apartment complexes.  Safe communities also include protected and secure businesses, schools, and neighborhoods.  If these locations and structures…

Don’t Hire Cheap Security Services

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Private security guards are considered peace officers by law.  This means that although private security guards are not able to make arrests, they can, and usually do, confront potentially dangerous and risky situations.  These situations could be suspicious or criminal activity which is displayed on the client’s property.  It is important that these scenarios are…

Securing Future Safety

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Regardless of where you are, what time of day it is, what you are doing, or who is around you, your safety is always the top priority.  When dealing with issues of future safety, it is important to recognize that anything can happen, anywhere, at any time.  Sometimes, things happen which jeopardize our present safety…

Armed Private Security in RI – Mitigation and Prevention

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The number one priority in life is protecting it by creating a safe and secure environment.  Unfortunately, the United States of America is one of the most violent countries per capita.  Violent acts are often unpredictable and devastating.  In order to mitigate and prevent acts of violence, many inquire to private security guard companies regarding…