Denver Leading Public Security Efforts with Private Security Patrols

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Denver is the capital of Colorado that serves as the home to over 650,000 people. Like any other major city, the downtown areas contain popular tourist attractions and shopping centers. These areas suffer from crime and other reckless actions, which lowers public safety. Denver is leading the charge to increase overall public safety by implementing…

Private Security Details in Public Locations

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With terrorism and mass shootings on the rise, there is a greater need for increased security presence in public spaces. Fact of the matter is that police officers cannot be there 24/7/365 at every private business complex to protect you. Police need time to respond to an incident. This time between the incidents starting and…

Orlando Terrorism – Security Lessons We Must Always Remember

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First off, let me start by commending the first responders and volunteers working out of Orlando, Florida these past several days. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. How can one person be able to produce so much destruction and hate? These acts of terror on United States soil need to…

Professional Security Services

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Professional security is not easy to come across. There is a reason that stereotypes exist for security guards. The best private security companies always put the clients’ needs first, after safety of the public and employees of course. Professionalism is about exceptional service. Elite service stems from excellent management through strong leadership. It starts at…

Holiday Security and Safety Services

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As the holidays rapidly approach, it is the season of giving for most individuals, but it is also the season of taking for criminals. Whether you own a private business, a residential complex, or a house, there is a higher risk of larceny and unlawful entry onto your property during the holiday season. Holiday security…