Access Control Systems – A Must Have for Security

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According to the Department of Homeland Security, access control is integrated security technologies that helps prevent victimization through asset monitoring, intrusion detection, video surveillance, and restricted areas. Private security companies put heavy emphasis on access control because of its importance to complete security. Physical access control systems are necessary to protect assets and cyber access…

Security Strategies for Holiday Celebrations

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The holidays are the perfect time to celebrate. Whether we are celebrating our patriotism or celebrating the New Year, things tend to get out of hand. Without proper security strategies, local businesses and residences could become victims to vandalism, property damage, or breaking and entering. Private security guard companies are excellent at creating effective security…

Movie Security – Maintain Theater Safety and Protection

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Although there has been a significant rise of internet movie streaming, a movie theater is still an enjoyable place for a relaxing entertainment experience with friends and family. For the most part, these movie theaters are relatively safe environments. However, security breaches still exist within the movie theater environment, which can be solved with movie…

Private Security for Bonded Warehouses in RI

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Bonded warehouses are buildings which store items, manipulate items, and/or manufacturer items.  These facilities may either be owned by the government or owned by a private party.  Depending on the purpose of the facility, the monetary value of each warehouse could be as low as a few thousand dollars or as high as tens of…

School Security – The Need for Private Security Guards

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There is nothing more important than keeping innocent children secure, providing children with a sense of safety, and giving parents peace of mind.  Students should feel safe in school and parents should feel assured that their children are safe.  The presence of a private security guard astronomically increases school security and deters potential dangerous activity. …