Avoiding Poor Security Guard Services

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The purpose of security guard services from private security companies is to secure and protect assets, people, and property.  It is important to ensure that the security guard services being provided are operating as efficiently as possible.  Strong security makes for a satisfied client who may rest easy knowing that his or her assets, people,…

The Value of Communication with a Private Security Guard Company

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When an organization decides to utilize the services of a contracted private security guard company, it is vital that the two organizations effectively communicate back and forth.  Naturally, the private security guard company contacts an organization offering services or the organization calls the private security guard company requesting security services.  This process of effective communication…

The Role of Private Security in Providence, RI

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Founded in 1636 by Roger Williams, Providence, Rhode Island is one of the oldest cities in the United States.  Providence is the home to approximately 178,000 people and also contains countless public and private organizations.  The Providence Police department is the local public safety agency responsible for enforcing laws while protecting and securing the people…

Private Security Guards and Deterring Crime

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Crime prevention is an extremely difficult task because crime has always been occurring and will continue to occur as long as humans exist.  The best efforts of crime prevention work towards deterring criminal activity.  Law enforcement agencies across the United States are constantly trying to figure out new ways to deter people from committing crimes. …

Get the Most from a Security Guard Company

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Security guard services are too often selected as a commodity, based solely on price. The fact of the matter is that businesses should carefully consider multiple important factors beyond price when choosing a supplier.  Consider a security guard company that takes security seriously and has a positive reputation in both the industry and community.  Do not settle for a…