Don’t Be an April Fool – Build Secure Businesses

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Building a business from scratch is a challenge for any entrepreneur. Constantly worrying about marketing, sales, and customer service is hard enough. Once your company is established, you have to begin to develop secure businesses. Secure businesses should focus on the safety of people, assets, and property, both physically and digitally. In order to accomplish this…

Professional Security Services

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Professional security is not easy to come across. There is a reason that stereotypes exist for security guards. The best private security companies always put the clients’ needs first, after safety of the public and employees of course. Professionalism is about exceptional service. Elite service stems from excellent management through strong leadership. It starts at…

Future Security is Complete Security

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Security has become a top priority across all industries. The industry of private security is constantly growing every year, month, and day. When it comes to security threats, the risks vary from location to location. Private security has been constantly evolving, requiring complete security companies to come forth in order to take care of all…

Employee Safety is a Top Priority for 2016

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Threats to employee safety in the workplace can resonate from anybody who has access to a company. This includes contractors, members of the public, clients, employees, employees’ friends and families, and also untrustworthy security guards. Employee safety cannot be achieved by simply hiring the cheapest private security company, but it can be achieved by hiring…

Access Control Systems Secure Safety

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According to the Department of Homeland Security, access control is integrated security technologies that helps prevent victimization through asset monitoring, intrusion detection, video surveillance, and restricted areas. Private security companies put heavy emphasis on access control because of its importance to complete security. Physical access control systems are necessary to protect assets and cyber access…